Monday, August 22, 2022

Sixth Day of School

Today we completed our first Math report and grades have been posted to Schoology. Quite a different distribution compared to years past. Out of 19 students present, nine students achieved a score of 4, two students a 3, six students a 2, and one a 1.

Math homework went home today.

Please remember Back-to-School Night is tomorrow. Information will be given tomorrow that is not given at any other time of the year. Not receiving some of the information could impede your child's progress in 1st grade.

For safety, shoes should have a closing feature (ties, Velcro strap). Boots are not really safe and appropriate footwear. We go to P.E. every day; footwear needs to be secure.


  1. Dress code has been updated. The document is in the packet with cover page "Documents For Your Reference To Be Kept At Home." Dress code states shirts could be sleeveless, as long as straps are greater than two inches. No indication of the length of shorts as long as underwear and buttocks are not exposed.


One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Day of School

In Social Science, we have been mapping skills and have been learning about cardinal/relative directions and how to use them. These skills w...