Monday, November 7, 2022

Fifty-Seventh Day of School

In Writing we touch-and-talked our facts (at least 2) for our new topic.

We began our 2nd unit in our violence prevention curriculum.

Math application:

Taylor and her sister Reilly each got 4 books from the library. Then, Reilly went back in and checked out another book. How many books do Taylor and Reilly have together?

Scores for this assignment have been posted to Schoology.

There is Math homework for tonight.

Our speeches will be taped tomorrow provided no technical problems.


  1. Hi Mr B. How is the video of the class president speeches going?

  2. Well, there's a lot to edit and put together (provided everything is retrievable; the last time we attempted this, the footage was not and I suspect proprietary updates to be the cause, but we'll try again.) Normally, the video is presented at Open House.


One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Day of School

In Social Science, we have been mapping skills and have been learning about cardinal/relative directions and how to use them. These skills w...